初学者绳索束缚 MFP 套件(3x30 英尺 + 剪刀!) - 6 毫米 - 1/4 英寸
初学者绳索束缚 MFP 套件(3x30 英尺 + 剪刀!) - 6 毫米 - 1/4 英寸
我们的基本初学者工具包包含90 英尺长的绳索( 3-4 捆*)和一把紧急安全剪(EMT 剪)。这些非常适合练习所有基本的单柱和双柱领带。也非常适合搭在一起尝试胸背带、身体背带、Karada、hogtie 或其他流行的领带。
有多种鲜艳的颜色可供选择——请参阅产品照片中的颜色图表。您还可以订购多达 6 种不同颜色的定制编织绳索!定制绳索的最小数量为 300 英尺。此列表适用于 1/4” MFP; 查看我们的 5/16” MFP 。
顶级质量 100% MFP 束缚/吊绳。 MFP(复丝聚丙烯)是一种防水绳,可抵抗大多数油和润滑剂。与染色绳索不同,这款绳索采用预着色纤维编织而成,因此整个颜色都充满活力,不会渗色或褪色。绳索可机洗且易于保养。 可以在此处找到详细说明我们 MFP 完整规格(包括断裂重量)的 PDF 文件。我们所有的 MFP 都是在当地的绳索设施中按照我们的规格编织的;绳子在编织时特别考虑了束缚/扭结,因此它在皮肤上柔软光滑,同时还能很好地固定结。切割和精加工由我们在我们的商店完成。绳索从末端热封约 1/4 英寸。
*默认套件有 3x30 英尺的捆绑包。如果您想要 2x30ft + 2x15ft,请在订单的备注部分中注明。 (对于此折扣套件定价,两个 15 把都需要颜色相同。)安全剪将根据可用性随机选择颜色。如果您有特定的手柄颜色要求,请将它们写在订单备注中,我们将尽最大努力在库存允许的情况下满足它们。
- Shibari You Can Use ,作者:Lee Harrington (2014)
- 更多 Shibari You Can Use ,作者:Lee Harrington (2014)
- Shibari 的本质,作者:Shin Nawakiri(英语翻译与 Lee Harrington 2017)
- 完成 Shibari,卷。我:土地,道格拉斯·肯特 (2010)
- 完成 Shibari,卷。 II:天空,道格拉斯·肯特 (2010)
Rogue Hojojutsu道格拉斯·肯特 (2016)
- 更好地束缚每个人,作者:Evie Vane (2017)
- 给你看绳索,两个棘手的男孩(2006)
- 回到绳索上。两个棘手的男孩 (2009)
Shibari & More Shibari - Lee Harrington 的两本书
Land & Sky - 道格拉斯·肯特 (Douglas Kent) 的前两本书
- 从头开始(3 本书) - 您可以使用的 Shibari、向您展示绳索和 Shibari 的本质
五本书! (5 本书) - 您可以使用的 Shibari,您可以使用的更多 Shibari,TKB 向您展示了绳索、本质和对每个身体更好的束缚
- 或者 - 从我们所有的书名中收集您自己的书籍!
- 圆形和三角形铝制吊环:铝制体操运动员/游乐场式吊环。
- 钢环:经典的不锈钢吊环,经过抛光处理。 1/2” 钢筋,外径为 6" 或 9"。 (有关彩虹和黑色饰面选项,请参阅我们的配件页面)
- Steel Triskele :一个漂亮的 triskele(BDSM 符号)吊环,由外径为 6" 或 9" 的 1/2" 不锈钢棒制成。 (有关彩虹和黑色饰面选项,请参阅我们的配件页面)
- 对于我们的完整戒指系列,请参阅我们的配件页面!
所有绳索都是定制切割和成品。这意味着所有订单将有 5-7 个工作日的处理时间(发货前)。如果您对何时需要产品有最后期限,请在结帐时的备注中告知我们,并考虑购买加急发货。
I am brand new to shibari but have looked at rope with interest and want for many years. When I finally decided to try it, this kit looked like a wonderfully priced option to get started with the experience of rope! I have been playing with it for a few weeks now and am very satisfied.
The rope itself is quite slick, so it doesn't hold knots extremely well unless they are the right kind of knot, but for a beginner I'd rather have that issue than have the problem of them not coming undone. Also, the smoothness of the rope makes it quite comfortable to wear and it minimizes the concern of rope burn. Also, with it being thicker, it doesn't require as many wraps to avoid cutting into skin when doing ties where there is tension. I'm not doing suspension (obviously, being a beginner), but I've done some ties where there was some pulling, and it required very few wraps to be quite comfortable for periods of time.
The knots being a little slick also made it easy to undo the rope after I was done working with it, and it is in lengths that make it pretty easy to handle for storage.
Nearly 30 days afer ordering still waiting i get international shipping is not always the fastest but there is a line
I am super sorry to hear this package got delayed so long in the mail. Typical international budget shipping is generally 6-12 business days to most of the world. If your package is ever delayed this much in the future please do reach out and we can contact the carrier about delays or file a claim if needed! I am glad to hear it did finally arrive, this is way outside our normal expected delivery.
We have reached out about an apology gift card for the trouble.
These were my first real ropes and I am so glad I purchased them here. They're extremely well made, soft on my skin, and feel very sturdy. They came with emergency cutters too! They were great to practice ties with and they were comfortable leaving on for a while. They could be very tight or not depending on your comfort level. They were easy to untie when the job was done and made for a great experience. Would recommend!
After practicing basic ties on terrible cheap cotton rope, THIS is my first proper set of rope! The quality, color, and functionality exceeded my expectations. Y’all are so easy to work with, and the shipping was LIGHTNING fast.
I ordered the kit with two 30ft Burgundy lengths and two 15ft Raspberry lengths. The colors match my apartment exactly, which will be great for photos. My sub enjoyed some chair bondage last weekend with them to great success. Comfortable for long sessions and beautiful for decorative rope work.
Can’t wait to order more in the future!
I never received my order and the company is no help whatsoever. A waste of money and I'm incredibly disappointed.