30 英尺捆綁包 - 單個和散裝 - MFP 束縛繩 - 1/4" 6mm
30 英尺捆綁包 - 單個和散裝 - MFP 束縛繩 - 1/4" 6mm
我們將為您製作定制的束縛/懸掛繩組。選擇顏色和數量,我們會送你一大堆繩子! 有多種鮮豔的顏色可供選擇 - 請參閱產品照片中的顏色表。請注意,此列表僅適用於 30 英尺的捆綁包,顏色相同。對於其他選項,查看我們的其他繩索列表。
頂級品質 100% MFP 束縛/懸掛繩。 MFP(複絲聚丙烯)是一種防水繩索,可抵抗大多數油和潤滑劑。與染色的繩索不同,這種繩索是用預著色的纖維編織而成的,因此顏色始終充滿活力,不會流血或褪色。繩子可機洗,易於保養。 可在此處 找到詳細介紹我們 MFP 的完整規格(包括破碎重量)的 PDF。我們所有的多功能一體機都是在當地的繩索設施中按照我們的規格編織而成的;繩子的編織特別考慮了束縛/扭結,因此它在皮膚上柔軟光滑,同時仍能很好地打結。切割和精加工由我們在我們的商店完成。繩索從末端熱封約 1/4 英寸。
您還可以訂購多達 6 種不同顏色的定制編織繩!定製繩索的最小數量為 300 英尺。
此列表適用於 1/4” MFP —查看我們的 5/16” MFP 列表。
所有繩索都是定制切割並按訂單完成。這意味著所有訂單將有 5-7 個工作日的處理時間( 發貨之前)。完整的 500 英尺線軸的訂單可能需要 4-6 週,具體取決於庫存。如果您有需要產品的截止日期,請在結帳時的備註中告知我們。
We love this rope! Beautiful colors and easy to use
I got some rope in hunter green. The colour is vibrant and the rope feels soft, but not as slippery as other makers. Pretty satisfied!!
Great rope, with a great price!
I love shibari. I love to tie so when my husband gained an interest in being tied up how could I refuse? I searched the market but found that with so many options and prices going higher and higher, I struggled to find the right one... till I stumbled upon Agreeable Agony! Reasonable prices and beautiful colour selection I decided to take the chance and BOY I can safely say I will be a returning customer!! Fast VERY discreet shipping, the rope itself is very soft polymer but had some grip which is excellent, the ends I MUCH prefer how they were finished off having being sealed so they won't fray... I brought 2 30ft ropes and definitely will be buying more colour's at a later date to amass a collection for my new art form~🌟
Love the texture and color of all the ropes I have order so far. Orders are processed and shipped sometime same day or next day so A+ on customer service and quality of products you sale.
Thanks and keep on rocking.