黑光反應束縛繩 - 1/4" / 6mm - 定制長度
黑光反應束縛繩 - 1/4" / 6mm - 定制長度
頂級品質 100% MFP 束縛/懸掛繩。 MFP(複絲聚丙烯)是一種防水繩索,可抵抗大多數油和潤滑劑。與染色的繩索不同,這種繩索是用預著色的纖維編織而成的,因此顏色始終充滿活力,不會流血或褪色。繩子可機洗,易於保養。 可在此處 找到詳細介紹我們 MFP 的完整規格(包括破碎重量)的 PDF。我們所有的多功能一體機都是在當地的繩索設施中按照我們的規格編織而成的;繩子的編織特別考慮了束縛/扭結,因此它在皮膚上柔軟光滑,同時仍能很好地打結。切割和精加工由我們在我們的商店完成。繩索從末端熱封約 1/4 英寸。
此列表適用於 1/4 英寸 MFP — 對於較粗的繩索,查看我們的 5/16 英寸 MFP。您還可以創建最多 6 種顏色的自定義繩索!
如果您想要此處未列出的長度,請使用“按英尺”並將數量設置為您想要的長度。或者選擇較長的長度之一併為您想要進行的自定義切割添加適當數量的“Xtra Processing”項目。
所有繩索都是定制切割和完成的。這意味著所有訂單將有 5-7 個工作日的處理時間( 發貨前)。
完整線軸的訂單可能需要 4-6 週,具體取決於庫存。如果您有需要產品的截止日期,請在結帳時的備註中告知我們。
My partner and I have only been learning shibari for a few months and we’ve tried various rope types and brands in that time and this is by far the best. The price, the quality, and the feel is second to none. If you’re on the fence about purchasing, give these guys a shot I promise you won’t regret it.
Ordering was easy, and my rope arrived promptly. The quality is great, very soft and vibrant, I'm looking forward to ordering more in the future!
POSH is always the poshiest!
Quick delivery and smooth transaction as always
Obviously, just looking at it and feeling it, it is a much cheaper quality then what I expected, compared to my other ropes from an other store. Will not buy there again, and will not suggest to my friends.
I am super sorry our rope was not what you hoped for! MFP is a synthetic rope and can definitely be a very different feel if you are used to natural fibers such as Cotton, Hemp, or Jute. We do offer some other ropes such as POSH and Hemp which might fit your needs better.
100% unused rope is returnable if you wish to return your ropes.